Thursday, July 25, 2013

Birthing Story of Elias

Our little boy is here! He's been here since April 4, 2013. Elias Joseph Thomas arrived after quite the ending to pregnancy!
He was breech from 35 - 37 weeks. I tried everything the midwives suggested to encourage him to turn. I laid upside down, put cold peas on his head, played music for him, Alan would pep talk him, and I saw a chiropractor who did the Webster technique. He would not budge and I could still feel his head at the top of my belly at 37 weeks. The midwives scheduled us for an External Version at the hospital nearby and I prayed every day he would turn before that date if it was the Lord's will. It was a really difficult time to not just focus on the baby being breech...I would go from peace to tears in a matter of hours. I would feel like my attempts were to infrequent and inadequate. Or joke about his stubbornness.
By the date of the ECV, we had read about the risks, complications and small likelihood of success for the procedure...and approached it, not with fear, but seriousness. I prepared Elias' room, clothing, diapers and got the house cleaned up. We packed our bags with the thought he could be born that day if his heart rate dropped or an emergency C-section resulted from the attempts. It was also on our minds it could just not be successful and we'd plan on him being very late, still breech and having to go to the hospital versus the birthing center. How pessimistic? Or realistic?
The Lord ordained this to happen. I only know this now that it has happened. First, we got to see our baby on the sonogram for the second time in his life in the womb...along with reassurance he was healthy AND had a head FULL of hair!!! The tech kept cooing and saying how precious he was to her screen. We were excited to see him again despite the circumstance. It's just SO amazing.
Then Dr. Lou explained the risks and that he would give it a go after they monitor his heart rate for awhile. Second, we met with the anesthesiologists in case an emergency situation arose. Alan and I were able to ask questions about C-Sections and I felt such a peace knowing more about it. It wasn't a scary thing after all! The fear I had of the surgery melted away as I knew whatever was going to happen God was in charge and it didn't even sound was incredible, really. That we've figured out a safe way to get a baby out when mom or baby are in trouble. Praise God for that?! I still wanted to have him naturally so we planned to wait it out, even in labor, to give Elias the chance to turn head down.
Finally, Dr. Lou started to turn him...and he flipped back. Then while I'm trying to relax and breathe deeply as though in labor (the chiropractor had taught me a few things!)...TA-DA! He was flipped! Head down baby! Natural birth here we come! We were overjoyed and had NOT expected that result. We (grossly) celebrated with Burger King on the way home. (We never eat like that really...I cook too healthy.)
The midwives were thrilled and one of the nurses asked sweet questions like, "Did it hurt? What did it feel like? How did they do it?" It was fun to have the experience under my belt to encourage others.
The weeks passed....he was head down, but facing sideways. It was the LEAST of my concerns since he had previously been breech. He was healthy and dropping lower as time went by.
By his due date, April 3, 2013...I had the whole house cleaned, we had frozen foods stocked up and I was just trying to keep peace and patience at the top of my mind.We tried to assume he'd be late since first-time babies generally are.
At 4:00 am on April 4 I woke up to my Braxton Hicks contractions starting to be slightly uncomfortable. I knew something was up but talked myself out of it being real labor. I couldn't sleep through the discomfort though so I got up and ate a snack. Then laid in bed timing them just to "practice". After an hour and a half, I felt like they were real...3 minutes apart and I didn't want to be moving around when they occured. I woke up Alan to let him know, "Hey babe, I might be going into labor." He was stoked.
After another hour of the same consistency, I called the midwife on-call. Kelly answered. She said it sounded good but I wasn't ready to come in yet and to call her if anything changed. One hour later, I had thrown up and had bowel problems, plus they were much more uncomfortable. She calmly asked me questions through a contraction and then sweetly said, "Want to meet me at the birthing center in about one hour? So.. 8:15?"
We were on our way...slowly..Alan packed up and I gradually between contractions got dressed and went out to the van. Most uncomfortable car ride ever.
When we arrived I was 5 cm! Woohoo! I thought maybe I'd have a fast labor like my mom...who was about 5 hours or more. Then by 11:00 am, I was 8 cm. Labored in the tub and on a ball. The tub was amazing. I highly recommend it. Then by 4:00 pm (I had no concept of time...but I remember these ones) I was still just an 8. Baby hadn't turned since the last check too...he was head down but facing sideways. Not finessing his way through the canal...stuck like a traffic jam. Pardon my illustration.
They decided to break my water to encourage him to turn. That's when the real fun started. I began pushing by their orders at 4:00ish and continued to push through weak, spread-out contractions until 10:41 pm. After an attempted vacuum, many position changes, stimulation, lots of cheering by midwives Kelly and Cathy, plus nurses and an awesome intern Katie,...with his "birthday cake" in the oven (they make cake and breakfast for you!)...HE ARRIVED! :)
The most incredible moment of my life. As soon as he was out they placed him on my tummy and I just cuddled him. Slimy little boy and crying...I loved him. I felt my heart fill up with love and care for this tiny little boy in my arms. I didn't care that I was exhausted or that he was gross and had a funny shaped head. I just loved him and his little arms, legs, and newborn cry...I hope I never forget how sweet that moment was!
Thank you Lord for sweet, Elias Joseph and bringing him into our little family. I pray he'll grow to love Jesus and live for him all of his days. We know we need God's guidance in raising him and caring for him, every step of the way...and we are so thankful God chose us to be his parents.

Friday, September 21, 2012


It's late September and beginning to feel like my favorite season: Fall! I love the colors, pumpkins, spiced cider, cool nights by the fire pit, hoodies, corn mazes and the trees preparing for winter. 

My 28th birthday is on Sunday, and for the first time in years, I haven't really thought about it. It is crazy to think I graduated college six years ago and moved back to Kansas City. My life is very different! We're having breakfast with my sweet Dad and Kathy tomorrow at Briarcliff Cafe. As I've grown since school, I really love and value my folks. They have done a lot for me and my heart is full of gratitude for those things.

Alan and I have been married over a year and are expecting our first baby in April. It's a very exciting and physically exhausting time. With twelve weeks of pregnancy under my belt, I will say, it hasn't been a breeze but I'm thankful my body and God are taking care of that tiny person. I couldn't do it without them. ;) I could barely eat crackers at first and today I feel energetic and enthusiastic about the future with him/her. My mom has been pretty excited and calls me more frequently as a result. It's sweet to hear her stories about having me and pregnancy while her and my dad were still together. I never really heard much about that time, so it's nice.

I am thankful to have such sweet (recent) "mommy" inspirations in my life. Julie, just around the corner, showed me pregnancy was an amazing process created by God and Elise demonstrated how to lean on Christ during the rougher parts. They both are encouraging to watch grow and I only hope to be a blessing to them in return. 

Our small church has shrunk and grown over the years, but one thing that has not changed is the core of people who absolutely love Jesus and want nothing but to live for Him. Our love for one another grows as we grow and it's been a good couple of months. A new friend, Patrick, has become part of our little "family". He's an intelligent and kind guy, it's been fun getting to know him and his quirks. My heart longs to see those who went a different way return, but right now, I have to trust God with them and remember to pray...

With only one car, I am headed out to pick up Alan from work. He bikes most days, but I offered to pick him up today since he has plans at 7. Here comes the weekend and 28! 

Love in Christ,

Friday, February 24, 2012